Unexpected financially side effects:
Can it cause extensive damage? It will cost you to have a proper security system. However, if you do not want to protect your system, there is no doubt that, you will suffer much more financially. A primary example, a denial-of-service attack may redirect your customers to your competitors, and you will lose potential revenues.
Cyber blackmail danger
Will you pay, or…? A cyber-attack may force you to incur extra expenses to keep your business operating. If a hacker steals valuable data and asks for a compromise, or claims ownership of your innovation, as happened with the abovementioned German entrepreneur, then, there would be an enormous bill that you did not foresee, or to be exact, you did not want to expect.
For example, in 2017, it was published that a hacker hit Disney and Netflix. The attackers demanded a ransom; otherwise, they would release the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean” in 20-minute increments if Disney failed to pay up. As for Netflix, ten episodes of Netflix’s new season of “Orange is the New Black,” was released on the Web after the company refused to pay up.
In a nutshell, the threat of cyber-attacks is growing. It is a simple way for hackers to get much money, especially since many people do not take the security seriously. There is no question that any big or small business must take action to protect themselves from cyber threats.
Being protected will enable you to focus more on creativity, opening new channels, do outstanding marketing and focus on their business risk free. The question now is how to do it correctly? We will try to answer this question in the coming posts.